nscd.conf (5) - 名称服务缓存守护程序配置文件
文件 /etc/nscd.conf 在启动时从 nscd (8) - 名称服务缓存守护程序 读取。每行指定一个属性和一个值,或者指定一个属性、服务和一个值。字段由空格或制表符分隔。 #
(数字符号)表示注释的开头; nscd 不会解释后面的字符,直到行尾。
有效的服务是 passwd , group , hosts , services 或者 netgroup .
logfile <debug-file-name>
debug-level <value>
设置所需的调试级别。默认值为 0
threads <number>
max-threads <number>
指定最大线程数。默认值为 32
server-user <user>
如果设置了此选项,nscd 将以此用户身份运行,而不是以 root 用户身份运行。如果为每个用户使用单独的缓存(-S 参数),则忽略此选项。
stat-user <user>
reload-count unlimited | <number>
限制缓存条目在被删除之前未被使用而重新加载的次数。默认值为 5
paranoia <yes|no>
启用偏执模式会导致 nscd 定期重新启动。默认值为 no
restart-interval <time>
如果通过启用 偏执狂 模式启用了定期重新启动,则将重新启动间隔设置为时间秒。默认值为 3600
enable-cache <service <yes|no>>
启用或禁用指定的_服务_缓存。默认值为 no
positive-time-to-live <service value>
为服务的指定缓存中的正条目(成功的查询)设置 TTL(Time-To-Live)。值以秒为单位。值越大,缓存命中率越高,平均响应时间越短,但缓存一致性问题越大
negative-time-to-live <service value>
为 服务的 指定缓存中的负条目(不成功的查询)设置 TTL(生存时间)。值以秒为单位。如果 UID(用户 ID)拥有的多个文件不在系统数据库中(例如,将 Linux 内核源代码解压缩为 root),则可以显著提高性能;应保持较小以减少缓存一致性问题。
suggested-size <service value>
这是内部哈希表的大小,值 应保持为素数以获得最佳效率。默认值为 211
check-files <service <yes|no>>
启用或禁用检查属于指定 服务 的文件是否有更改。这些文件是 /etc/passwd、/etc/group_、/etc/hosts、/etc/services 和 /etc/netgroup。默认值为 yes
persistent <service <yes|no>>
保留缓存的内容,以便在服务器重新启动时_提供服务_;在设置 偏执 模式时很有用。默认值为 no
shared <service <yes|no>>
用于_服务的_ nscd 数据库的内存映射与客户端共享,以便它们可以直接在其中进行搜索,而不必在每次执行查找时都通过套接字询问守护程序。默认值为 no
max-db-size <service bytes>
服务的数据库文件允许的最大大小(以字节为单位)。默认值为 33554432
auto-propagate <service <yes|no>>
如果为 passwd 或 组 服务设置为 no,则不会将 .byname 请求添加到 passwd.byuid 或 group.bygid 缓存中。这可以帮助表包含同一 ID 的多个记录。默认值为 yes。此选项仅对服务 passwd 和 组 有效
# /etc/nscd.conf
# An example Name Service Cache config file. This file is needed by nscd.
# WARNING: Running nscd with a secondary caching service like sssd may lead to
# unexpected behaviour, especially with how long entries are cached.
# Legal entries are:
# logfile <file>
# debug-level <level>
# threads <initial #threads to use>
# max-threads <maximum #threads to use>
# server-user <user to run server as instead of root>
# server-user is ignored if nscd is started with -S parameters
# stat-user <user who is allowed to request statistics>
# reload-count unlimited|<number>
# paranoia <yes|no>
# restart-interval <time in seconds>
# enable-cache <service> <yes|no>
# positive-time-to-live <service> <time in seconds>
# negative-time-to-live <service> <time in seconds>
# suggested-size <service> <prime number>
# check-files <service> <yes|no>
# persistent <service> <yes|no>
# shared <service> <yes|no>
# NOTE: Setting 'shared' to a value of 'yes' will accelerate the lookup
# with the help of the client, but these lookups will not be
# counted as cache hits i.e. 'nscd -g' may show '0%'.
# max-db-size <service> <number bytes>
# auto-propagate <service> <yes|no>
# Currently supported cache names (services): passwd, group, hosts, services
# logfile /var/log/nscd.log
# threads 4
# max-threads 32
server-user nscd
# stat-user somebody
debug-level 0
# reload-count 5
paranoia no
# restart-interval 3600
enable-cache passwd yes
positive-time-to-live passwd 600
negative-time-to-live passwd 20
suggested-size passwd 211
check-files passwd yes
persistent passwd yes
shared passwd yes
max-db-size passwd 33554432
auto-propagate passwd yes
enable-cache group yes
positive-time-to-live group 3600
negative-time-to-live group 60
suggested-size group 211
check-files group yes
persistent group yes
shared group yes
max-db-size group 33554432
auto-propagate group yes
enable-cache hosts yes
positive-time-to-live hosts 3600
negative-time-to-live hosts 20
suggested-size hosts 211
check-files hosts yes
persistent hosts yes
shared hosts yes
max-db-size hosts 33554432
enable-cache services yes
positive-time-to-live services 28800
negative-time-to-live services 20
suggested-size services 211
check-files services yes
persistent services yes
shared services yes
max-db-size services 33554432
enable-cache netgroup yes
positive-time-to-live netgroup 28800
negative-time-to-live netgroup 20
suggested-size netgroup 211
check-files netgroup yes
persistent netgroup yes
shared netgroup yes
max-db-size netgroup 33554432